Crypt Sessions Season 2
My fine, fearless friends and Crypt-dwelling companions,
It is with trembling anticipation that we announce Season 2 of The Crypt Sessions, beginning February 1 with pianist Lara Downes' musical memoir of Harlem, featuring a world premiere by composer/violinist Daniel Bernard Roumain and a spoken word tribute to Langston Hughes by poet Joshua Bennett in honor of the poet's 114th birthday (more info here).
This season, each performance will feature a wine and food tasting, paired specially to the music on that evening's program. The wines will be selected by Magnvm Opvs, and the food by Ward 8 Events.
Also new this season - each new Crypt Sessions performance will be announced directly following the preceding concert. And because you're on the mailing list, you get first crack at tickets before we officially announce!
Please join me in thanking our amazing, amazing piano sponsor Yamaha, and of course our partners The Church of the Intercession.
See you in the Crypt!
- Andrew