The Crypt Sessions

Joshua Roman

Riding Light

Church of the Intercession 550 W 155th St New York, NY 10032
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the long version

You might have been one of the millions to watch Joshua Roman’s post-election Bach Cello Suite performance (livestreamed on the Facebook page of TED, where Josh acts as a Senior Fellow). Either way, you should spend more time with this mind-boggling talented cellist/composer/curator, and we’re pleased offer you that opportunity on May 3, 2017, as Josh descends into the Crypt for a solo cello recital entitled Riding Light.The music begins in darkness with Bach’s spare, haunting Suite No. 2 in D Minor, before moving through sonatas by György Ligeti and George Crumb – both written during the period of lovestruck adolescence, with music that alternates between shaded meditation and stormy intensity – and finishing with a composition of his of his own, the transcendently radiant Riding Light.Roman performed in the Crypt with Gregg Kallor in last season’s finale concert of The Tell-Tale Heart, and his playing was praised by Berkshire Fine Arts, saying: “Roman is a musician who can afford to expose his talent in long drawn out single tones..often miraculously drawn from his instrument.”

The short version

Come ride the lightning with us, in what promises to be a profoundly impactful performance by one of classical music’s brightest stars.

Our shows have limited seating and sell out almost immediately. Join our mailing list, and then get your tickets as soon as you receive the email!

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