October 24, 2023

Hanzhi Wang

CANCELLED - Goldberg Variations, The Accordion Version


The Crypt under The Church of the Intercession

550 W 155th St New York, NY 10032


‍Performance #1
Wine & Cheese Reception:
6:30 - 7:30PM
Concert: 7:30PM - 8:30PM

Performance #2
Wine & Cheese Reception:
8:00 - 9:00PM
Concert: 9:00PM - 10:00PM  

PLEASE NOTE: Ticket sales are final! No exchanges or refunds unless the event is canceled.
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the long Story

Not everyone hears the words "a sweepingly epic, profoundly personal musical journey" and then immediately says "I want to hear that on solo accordion"... but that's just because not everyone knows Hanzhi Wang. We're here to help change that, welcoming this groundbreaking global star of her instrument into the Crypt to perform her jaw-dropping arrangement of Bach's singular sonic statement, where she'll take us on a journey through thirty musical variations that run the gamut from joy to despair and back again.

The short STORY

We promise you that you will never look at an accordion the same way after this concert...

Our shows have limited seating and sell out almost immediately. Join our mailing list, and then get your tickets as soon as you receive the email!

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The Program

The Music

The Artists

The Performers

Hanzhi Wang

Acclaimed for her “staggering virtuosity,” Hanzhi Wang is the only accordionist to ever win a place on the roster of Young Concert Artists in its 60-year history. An ambassador for her instrument, Hanzhi has been praised for her captivating stage presence and performances that display passion and finesse.A groundbreaking artist, Hanzhi’s other firsts include being named Musical America’s “New Artist of theMonth,” an interview and performance on the 2,145th episode of New York WQXR’s Young ArtistsShowcase as the first solo accordionist on the program, and the Naxos label’s first-ever solo accordionCD,"On the Path to H.C. Andersen,” which was nominated for the prestigious DR (Danish Radio) P2Prize in 2019.